REACH stand for RESOURCE AND EDUCATION FOR AUTISTIC CHILDREN and was formed in October 2008. We were registered with the ROS in 2010 as a Non-Profit Organization providing FREE services for autistic children and their families.

At the beginning, REACH Segamat was situated at a rented corner lot house, starting with 8 children and gradually increase to 20 over in 2014. As we needed more spaces to cater for the increasing children enrolment, we organized REACH Building Fund Charity Night in 2016. Thanks to the local communities, business and public support, we had our own Center up in 2019 that can accommodate more than 60 children, located at 105 Jalan Cendiakawan, Taman Indah, Bukit Siput Segamat Johor.

Our vision and objectives are contributing services to autistic children and be a source of information for parents. Through our web-site symptoms on autism could be found through a link on Behavioral Symptoms of Autism; Mandarin and Bahasa Malaysia version were translated by REACH Segamat in cooperation with HANS (Help Autism Now Society)

We presently have 5 full time teachers and 5 part time volunteers to overseer the thirty over children that attended REACH's programs according to the pre-scheduled time table. To sustain we depend on the support of well-wishers and business entities.


One to One Session
This is to enable personal interaction and communication as each autistic child differs in his or her learning abilities. The teaching includes academic and holistic training.

To help autistic children in their motor, mental, social and academic developments besides helping them to cope with the mainstream education.

Art Classes
It helps to hone in on their fine motor skills and a form of self-expression and exploration. Drawing can stimulate and strengthen focusing skills, at the same time reducing stress.

Music Therapy
Helps children to feel confident and comfortable to sing along with others. Music is motivating and engaging and helps to improve communication, social skills, sensory, behavior, perceptual motor skills and self-determination.

Play Therapy
It act as a tool for helping autistic children become more fully of oneself; enhancing their social and emotional skills, developing communication to connect with other people. It help parents to relate fully to their children by taking an active role in their child's growth and development.

Neurofeedback also known as neurotherapy uses real time display of brain activity to teach self-regulation of brain function. It is not a cure but a method of managing or regulating the working of the brain so that it function in a healthier manner.

Hydrotherapy uses water to benefit children with autism in a way other therapy cannot. Treatment varies by increasing the turbulence of bubbles, and by adding essential oil and salts in water helps to reduce stress and negative emotion, thus promoting mental clarity.

Family Group Therapy
Group therapy is compulsory for all children and parents/guardian of REACH Segamat. This is when all the parents with their children participate in activities like cooking, handicraft and musical interaction. It is also an avenue where parents can meet to provide support to each other's, discussing the progress of their children and organizing Social activities amongst themselves.

Kinect Apps for Visual/Virtual Games
Helping autistic children in visual motor co-ordination, body movement, estimating distance/height in jumping and sustaining attention span.

Diagnostic and Developmental Assessment
Provide free diagnostic and developmental assessment for children. Diagnostic assessment is used to confirm if the child is autistic and developmental assessment to assess the developmental stages of the child.

Awareness Campaign
Organize exhibitions and talks to promote awareness of Autism, to have earlier diagnosis, intervention and encouraging understanding, tolerance and support from the public and local community.

Parent Support Group
We have a parent support group who meet to provide support and assistance to each other. This is an avenue for parents to come and discuss the progress of their children and organize social activities amongst themselves.

Training Sessions
We organized awareness talks and training sessions for parents, teachers, volunteers and the public. On-going in-house training is carried out over the years. We recruit and invite professionals and experts to run seminars and workshop; with the hope that everyone will be equip with knowledge and skills to cope with the autistic children.

All the above services that we are providing for the autistic children and their families have been made possible because of the kind and generous support from the public. The support have enable us to continue our FREE services for the autistic children and their families and moving ahead to further improve our services.


Advisor Dato Dr. See Ching Mey
Honorary Member Lim Eng Chai
Founding Chairman Dr. Ng Chai Bing
Chairman Tee Piaw Tian
Deputy Chairman Soo Geok Eng
Vice Chairman Lim Peng Keong
Secretary Tey Mei Li
Assistant Secretary Siam Hwee King
Treasurer Yew Chok Ying
Assistant Treasurer Lee Ching Huat
Committee Members Dr. Ng Chai Bing
Tan Aun Sim
Pang Kaih Yean
Soh Kim Hong
Toh Ling Ling
Lee Yuan San
Soon Kian Suan
Han Hock Hong